Nerdy Girls

Fangirl Fridays: Port Tampa City

Fangirl Fridays: Port Tampa City

In honor of Comic Con descending upon us this weekend (yay!) we bring you the very first Fangirl Friday! What the what? We’ve decided to give you a glimpse into our eclectic world and what WE nerd out about. Every Friday we’ll take you on a nerdtastic voyage about a topic, event, or local establishment that we’re obsessing about. This week we're talking about our current crush, Port Tampa City.

Our top ten nerdy girl problems

Our top ten nerdy girl problems

Let’s be completely honest, it’s hard out here for a nerdy girl. Video games, sci-fi, comic books, etc. they’re designed for, marketed to, and are the domain of boys. Day in and day out we ladies have to overcome silly preconceived notions about what nerds should look like. Here is a list of biggest obstacles we geeky girls face, because the struggle is real.