Michelle's Nerdy Little Secret


So, the other day I was having a conversation with myself (which is totally normal right?) and it hit me!  Not only am I obsessed with houses, but my obsession includes for homes for everyone & every creature. I'm a house nerd of all shapes and sizes! Confused? So, here it is:  I’m obsessed with all “houses,” small house, big houses, bat houses.... I'm especially obsessed if it ends up helping someone/something I love. I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me sooner (like my mom I’ve always been stubborn 😉).  So, I guess you could say my obsession with real estate probably began at least 15 years before I became an agent! Here are just a few symptoms of my housing addiction.

I might be a little obsessed with books...and of course houses for those books! via giphy

I might be a little obsessed with books...and of course houses for those books! via giphy

Little Free Library -  For example, my dad built me a Little Free Library last year. A what now? LFLs are cute little houses (filled with books of course) that are placed all over the world so people can swap literature for FREE! I love to read and seriously what better way to encourage literacy? Fostering a sense of community AND nerds around the world! My future LFL goal? Someday I would like to build a few more in lower income neighborhoods. Spreading the book love across Tampa would be amazing!

Yeah that's right, I'm legitimately a librarian! 🤓 via instagram

Yeah that's right, I'm legitimately a librarian! 🤓 via instagram


The Bat House - I also own a bat house!  Yep… that was NOT a misprint.  Perched high up in an oak tree in my backyard, is my little home for bats. Why? My idea was based on the fact that mosquitoes EAT ME ALIVE! While I was researching on how to take out these evil demons err… lovely bugs I learned one very interesting fact. One bat can consume 500 mosquitoes an hour. I could not buy one fast enough! It is the best $40 I’ve ever spent!  Not only do they help control the bloodsucker population, but you’re also helping the bat population! Win win!  Still unconvinced? Contrary, to popular belief bats, are quite beneficial and their guano is one of the best fertilizers out there! 💩 Kind of gross but true!

One bat can eat 500 mosquitoes in an hour. In Florida, bats are the real heroes!  via giphy

One bat can eat 500 mosquitoes in an hour. In Florida, bats are the real heroes!  via giphy

Mason Bee “house” – Hopefully you know by now that our bee population is on the decline. There are a few factors involved (which you can read about here) and without the lengthy birds & bees lecture the basic version is:  NO BEES = NO FOOD. Fun, right? 🐝 So, when I had the opportunity to build a beehive I was super excited! Mason bee houses are easy to construct. They are the only type of bee that is just a pollinator. They rarely sting (only when under duress) even when handled. More upsides to this little guy? No beehive, no honey, no mess, no angry creature stinging your kids.  So you get to help out the friendliest type of bee AND you’re helping to save the world. Pretty bad ass, right?

Mason bees rarely sting, and only when in duress. Via Giphy

Mason bees rarely sting, and only when in duress. Via Giphy

And of course, real houses! – If only I could find a way to keep buying and selling my own home every five years!  I mean I could, but I’m pretty sure my husband would leave me! 😆 It’s the thrill of the hunt, but really, it’s the thrill of the FIND. I love to paint and decorate.  Taking a blank space and making it your own… How amazing is that feeling? It’s addictive. My favorite part? I love turning the garden into a show stopper.  Once everything is just right? It’s time to sell it and do it again!  For now, I’m getting my fix by helping my friends, family, and of course clients. Though some days it’s just saving poor unsuspecting plants from Kate’s evil clutches, she has one hell of a black thumb! I like helping and It’s always easier when it’s someone else’s space or future home!

Ok so now you know the dirty secret that forced me into this job.  It was to get my house fix and keep my husband! Do you think I need a 12 step program? So, are you a weird house lover too? What oddball homes have you seen?