
How we get out nerd on!

How we get out nerd on!

We know you've always wanted to get your "nerdy girl" on, or at least where we get all our awesome info. We end up doing a LOT of random Tampa research for our social media and we're totally giving you a sneak peak as to how we do it! We’re firm believers in sharing knowledge because while we ARE amazeballs, we certainly didn’t invent this stuff! That being said strap yourselves in for our epic nerdy resource guide!

Our top ten nerdy girl problems

Our top ten nerdy girl problems

Let’s be completely honest, it’s hard out here for a nerdy girl. Video games, sci-fi, comic books, etc. they’re designed for, marketed to, and are the domain of boys. Day in and day out we ladies have to overcome silly preconceived notions about what nerds should look like. Here is a list of biggest obstacles we geeky girls face, because the struggle is real.

6 ways to actually enjoy buying a home

6 ways to actually enjoy buying a home

Move is a four-letter word. Yup, moving, buying a place, or selling a home is difficult enough to try the patience of a saint. If you watch HGTV, buying a house looks easy & fun. In reality, the purchase process can be stressful, demoralizing, and at the very least annoying as crap. Doesn’t that sound like fun? In this article we'll dive in and find a few ways to survive (errrr enjoy?) the home buying process.